Cargo Containers, Container Sales
How to Buy a Shipping Container
Buying an Overseas Container is not a difficult process. Once you have a site prepared and are ready for delivery the rest is rather painless. There are a few important guidelines to follow when purchasing a sea container.
What size conex container works best for me
The most common sizes available for sale nationwide are 20 Foot Long Standard Height and 40 Foot Long Containers. The 40' Container can be a standard height of 8 feet 6 inches tall or the high cube height (referred to also as high top) is 9 feet 6 inches tall. The majority of all sea containers available are 8 feet wide to meet international industry shipping guidelines.
The few wider exceptions occur with rare pallet wide 40 footers in addition to uncommon spec. built 45' long sea cans and domesticated rail conex boxes such as 53' long steel corrugated containers.

What condition cargo container should I be looking for
Condition is relative to price. Depending on the application your choosing, buying a New container (also referred to as one way or one trip) would provide a friendlier aesthetic appeal which is more conscience of the surrounding for any personal or business setting. Not to mention, the overall functionality would leave out all the guess work as to what it might look like (rather new) or what may have been repaired on the container in the past (virtually nothing).
Buying a used container is more economical and would provide a quick solution for instant affordable storage. Used Sea Containers have many cosmetic traits to represent themselves as such. Common characteristics like Rust, Dings, Dents, Patches, Logos, Markings, Re-Paints and other wear and tear blemishing is impossible to avoid when it comes to a commercial commodity that has been used globally for over a decade. But, there are various grades of used containers available to select from to help choose what is best for the budget. Most used containers will be perfectly suitable for onsite storage and overseas export.

Wind and Water Tight vs Cargo Worthy
Purchasing a Used Water Tight Container will give you the benefits of secure dry storage at a competitive rate. Buying a Cargo Worthy Box offers essentially the same thing with the added security of pre-inspected structural integrity examination which includes the Four Corner Posts, Undercarriage, Side Rails and Floor. The misconception most buyers have when choosing between cargo worthy and water tight is believing a cargo worthy container is better looking. Cosmetics play little to no role in a used containers structural integrity.

Do I have enough space for my shipping container
When a container is being delivered to your property on a roll off, there has to be ample room for the driver to maneuver in. A 20' Container requires a minimum of 60 feet of space to back into and a 40' Container requires at least 100 – 110 feet of space to back into. Keep in mind the tractor trailer will need plenty of room to turn into if there are bends and corners to get around. If the space desired isn't accessible for a tractor trailer, there may be a second location somewhere on the property that can temporarily house the cargo container. Thereafter, services such as forklift rentals / backhoes and cranes can be used to relocate your sea box into a remote spot.
Optimally, hard surfaces such as blacktop, cement, gravel and crushed stone are preferred. Soil is fine if its compact and not soft. If weather plays a role in the delivery, make sure to address it prior to having a tractor trailer arrive on a stormy day or after a week of downpour. The cost to have a trailer show up and get stuck in a soft ditch would be more expensive than the order itself to remedy.
What do I put under my airtight container
Popular items such as railroad ties, 2" x 4"'s / 4" x 4"'s and gravel are a common technique to lift up the box a bit if necessary. Bricks and Cinder Blocks are not preferred due to difficulty of offloading the containers onto them.

How much does it cost to buy a sea container
There are many factors that determine the cost of the specific container you are looking for. Rates vary with market conditions and geographic locations quarter to quarter. Every part of the country has its own respective costs and current availability of types / conditions. Luckily, IPL offers containers for sale and can provide quick quotes that include delivery in your area.